
Graduate Employment Report

South Florida Institute of Technology collect and report graduate employment information to the Commission for Independent of Education (CIE) and to Accrediting Commission of Career School and Colleges (ACCSC). SFIT asks each graduate to complete the Biographic Employment Report. The Biographic report designed this survey, which collects employment. SFIT publicly reports employment data on its graduating classes in accordance with CIE and ACCSC guidelines. The graduates who voluntarily respond to the biographic survey are the primary source of employment data. For graduates who did not respond to the survey, SFIT determined and confirmed a graduate's employment status from publicly available sources such as school website. SFIT also obtained employment information about some graduates from faculty members and classmates. SFIT's report for its 2011 graduates, which summarizes the individual data SFIT reported to the CIE and ACCSC in March 2012, can be viewed at the school's website

Retention Rate

Student interested in obtained the school retention rate please referral to school web site at or visit IPEDS report at School recommended the new student to visit the school web site page before enrollments.